All the boys together in Bamboo nightclub, Bucharest
All a bit groggy after last nights activities, we hit the road at midday bound for Bucharest to be on time to collect Cillian and Rob, two mates of ours from Dublin at the airport. Rob’s brother Andy is working in Bucharest so he had everything organized for our arrival.
Crossing into Romania was no hassle at all and we met Andy in Bucharest city centre. Much like Sofia, Burcharest maintains a Soviet feel. Dominating the city is the immense Parliament Palace, built in 1984 by the communist ruler Nicolae Ceauşescu. 1/6th of Bucharest was bulldozed to accommodate its creation and after the Pentagon, this is 2nd largest building in the world.

The massive Parliament Palace in Bucharest
Dave and Andy drove to the airport to collect the lads while the rest of us went to The Harp Irish Bar for a feed and some warm-ups for what Andy promised would be a big night. It was great to see the 2 lads again after so long and after a few drinks, we got ready at our apartment and met Andy again before going in taxis to the one and only Bamboo Nightclub.

Dave, astonished by the calibre of girls in Bamboo!

Rob, Andy, Fintan and Marty getting loose!
We didn’t know what to expect from Romania, but were absolutely blown away going into this glitzy nightclub with Ferraris pulling up and by far the most beautiful girls we’ve seen on the whole drive inside. Bamboo is regarded as Romania’s top nightclub filled with Bucharest glitterati. The 9 of us had an amazing night and were completely shell shocked by the girls in the place, especially the podium dancers who some us struggled to keep our eyes off! Cillian disappeared for most of the night to show Romanians what ‘going mad’ really means!

No words are really needed here!
Bucharest taxi drivers are a bunch of rip-off merchants and while asleep on the way home in a taxi, Fintan’s precious iphone was robbed leading to what Tomo later described as hilarious outburst of rage!

A distraught Fintan desperately trying to call his precious and stolen iphone!
All in all it was a great night and a taster of what’s to come, especially since 4 more Irish lads are joining the mob on Monday!